WHEAT AND TARES – The Mystery of Godliness and The Mystery of Iniquity
… and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, 2Thes 1:7
…when He comes, in that Day, to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who believe, because our testimony among you was believed.. 2Thes 1:10
7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. 2 Thes 2:7-8
*All scriptures are in the NKJV unless otherwise stated.
INIQUITY (Self Will)
Obviously, this earth is staggering under the weight of the iniquity which was inputted into it from the fall of man in the garden. This mystery of iniquity has ruled the entire world system up until now and it’s going to perdition (destruction) at the coming of Christ who will judge all things according to the mind of God.
Iniquity is self will. It is the ability of man to rule or do anything without God. It is that which was locked up in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and which was activated by the disobedience of man. God created that tree, placed it right in the midst of the garden, I believe, close to the tree of life and left it “unguarded” in a sense, so that man could have a clear choice of either this tree or the tree of life. God Himself created this tree and inputted death within its fruit, knowing that the day man eats of it, death will prevail over the earth. No one else did this except God. I believe also that God created that iniquity in man, which gave him the ability or self will to disobey the direct order of God not to eat of the tree of death. How was this possible? God made man with the dust of the earth which happens also to be the food for the serpent. (See Gen 2:7 and 3:14). However, He did this in hope of something else in His mind, which is to bring all things into oneness with Him at the demise of iniquity itself. This He planned from the beginning to do, but at the fullness of iniquity, which happens to be the season we are in now. The mystery of iniquity coming to its fullness is when man comes to the fullness of self will, when he begins to see himself as God, seated in the holy place as God, claiming to be God with lying wonders as proof of such deception. First by the son of perdition and then by those who follow after him, whose end is destruction. This is the spirit at work in the new age doctrine – the worship of man as self-god.
Wheat and Tares
Both the mystery of godliness in which God comes and glorifies Himself in man and the mystery of iniquity in which man takes the position of God in the holy place, claiming to be God are depicted by the mystery of the wheat and the tares which Christ spoke about in Mat 13:24-30. Both are to grow together in a state of duality which was also created by God from the beginning until the Day of His wrath in which this duality will be removed and man will be left with the choice of either being wheat or tare. The Day of the wrath of God is when God comes to put an end to that duality, burning off the tares first and then bringing His wheat into His barn. Duality in itself means the simultaneous working of iniquity (self will) and the unfolding mystery of godliness in man (submission to the will of God). Duality makes a man feel like he is in the spirit this minute and the next minute, self will takes over. It’s a constant struggle between spirit and flesh in man caused by the futility activated by the tree of death.
The Point of Duality
The movement from the place of duality within man to the place of singularity with God is a long one that takes various levels within a life time. Each Overcomer faces these various levels of the process differently and at different times, but the intention is always the same, i.e. For God to remove iniquity or self will from man completely, so that He can be one with His creation. The end of duality however, is what I want to stress more in this article. I want to refer to it as the peak of duality. This peak of duality, by all standards, is the most subtle and complex place an Overcomer gets to, where his faith and hope is tested severely and almost all the time, in a subtle manner. And this is not because it’s a complex situation as it relates to the working of duality, but what it makes a man do without knowing it. I will explain this shortly.
The moment a man gets to this place of the peak of duality, the first thing that happens to him is that, he will begin to recognize in himself the mystery of the wheat and tares at play simultaneously and much more consciously. And the moment a man comes to that place in time, and can tell the difference between the workings of the wheat and tares in himself (The duality), then harvest has come. He has come to full maturity and is ready to be separated. A man is clearly presented with a choice of either the wheat or the tares. And by the accurate choice or choices made in his walk of faith, he will create for himself a separation into singularity, devoid of the mystery of iniquity found in duality. However, the tares first must be burnt with fire and then the wheat gathered into the Lord’s barn. It is at this very stage that humility is needed the most. We will talk about this shortly. For it is by the grace and mercy of God that a man gets to this point of the fullness of duality. Humility is key at this stage and it must come with the heart of thanksgiving and worship to the One who gave grace and mercy.
When a man finds himself at this stage of the high point of duality in his walk of faith, he must know and understand that it was the grace and mercy of God that brought him there. From him must flow worship and thanksgiving to God for such blessing and not guilt, shame and condemnation. For such a perspective of guilt, shame and condemnation can lead him to the position of hiding behind the tree and covering himself with fig leaves. For not many will come to the point of seeing in themselves and also embrace the duality of the mystery of iniquity and the unfolding mystery of godliness working at the same time within them. And like I had already said, there is something else that is very important at this stage that such a man must take seriously – Humility. Why? This stage is the most complicated and tricky of any man’s walk of faith. Why is this so? (Please pay attention to this) IT IS AT THIS STAGE THAT THE FULLNESS OF INIQUITY IN A MAN WILL MAKE HIM REVOLT AGAINST CHRIST. And this is so because this mystery of iniquity is the spirit that works in the son of perdition who sits as God in the holy place, talking, acting and performing lying signs and wonders and claiming to be God. Daniel accurately called him the abomination of desolation seated in the holy place acting as God. This mystery of the fullness of iniquity will make a man of faith go against Christ in himself just like the anti-christ is destined to do. It is very tricky and complicated at this stage, which is why a man needs deep discernment from God to pass through this stage and into singularity with God, having conquered duality. Jesus rightly said in Mat 13 in His parable of the wheat and the tares, let both the wheat (The mystery of godliness) and the tares (The mystery of iniquity) grow together until the time of harvest. This time of harvest is this stage of the fullness of duality that I am talking about, in which humility and the heart of thanksgiving is key to survival. For when a man gets to this stage, he must realize that he is ripe for either harvest into the barn of the Lord or harvest into the fire for burning. For Jesus said, gather the tares first and burn them and then gather the wheat into my barn. For burning must take place for the mystery of iniquity to end in creation.
God simply cannot allow the mystery of iniquity to continue in creation forever. He must put a stop to it. Why? He needs a Band, or Barn or Army of holy sons in which He will pour the fullness of Himself, so that by their hands He will reverse the malady and the curse from the Garden of Eden. And just as the wheat was gathered into the Lord’s barn, so shall those who conquer duality, those who God has chosen to be called Overcomers will be gathered together into His glorious army and by them, God will purge the earth of every form of iniquity and restore all things back unto Himself in a grand restitution. This was the plan from before the foundation of the earth. This was what God joined together from before time.
More on Duality
The Apostle Paul understood this duality when he said in Philippians 3:14, “I press towards the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (KJV). He understood that there is a mark (I believe it’s this point of duality) to be reached in his walk of faith, which he must conquer, and whose reward or prize is the high calling in God which is the mystery of godliness, in which God comes in His fullness in a man right here on earth, in Christ Jesus. It is indeed a high calling of God in Christ Jesus. It’s the highest point of oneness with God. And because it all points to the glory of God in the face of Christ, that is why humility is highly needed in this stage of this high point of duality. Why? Like I had said before, the mystery of iniquity in its fullness will pitch a man against Christ in his heart just as the son of perdition will. He is called the anti-christ, the lawless one, the son of perdition, the abomination of desolation, seated in the holy place acting like God and claiming to be God. (See 2Thes 2:1-12) To quickly chip this in, and unfortunately enough for this world, the third temple that men are preparing to build in Jerusalem right now is not for God. It is for the anti-christ. It is in the holy place of this temple that the man of sin will sit, claiming to be God. He is rightly called the abomination of desolation. So let Israel and the people of the earth donating money for this temple not think they are building God a temple. No, they are building the temple for the anti-christ.
Lose all, Gain all
The Apostle Paul, as a wise man of God, knew and understood that the loss of all things in the flesh is actually gain and not loss. He knew it is tied to the resurrection of the dead, which is the first resurrection of those who have conquered duality and iniquity in themselves. They are the band or the Lord’s army of Overcomers that God will use to correct the mistakes of the Garden of Eden, bringing all things back to God.
8 Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; 10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, 11 if, by any means, I may attain[a] to the resurrection from the dead. Philippians 3:8-11 (NKJV)
The Contention
Truth be told, dear readers and Overcomers, this stage of the fullness of iniquity and the contention with Christ is very real and cannot be avoided in our walk of faith. It is the sign that man has come to the hour of harvest. It happened to me very recently, maybe a week or so before this article was published and it was severe. I came to a place in my heart where I was struggling to go on in my walk of faith. I suddenly felt this non-attraction to Christ. I felt a strong distaste for the study of the word of God. It got to a point that when I would see a scripture passage in maybe an article or so, I would just skip it. I sought God to understand what was happening to me and the things He revealed were terrifying to believe. But they were all true. He told me clearly that I profess to love Him God, but in that same heart of mine, I hate and contend with the Lord Jesus. It was hard to believe at first but He went on to show me how I love Him God truly and longed with all my heart to come and be with Him, but somewhere in my heart I saw the Lord Jesus as an hindrance preventing me from seeing God. Imagine such effrontery for a minute. I didn’t know that somehow in my walk, I had picked up a position against the words of Jesus when He said no man can come to the Father except by Him, and I didn’t want to be boxed in by that. It was a terrible revelation that came up out of me by just being at that stage of the fullness of iniquity. I broke down before God and cried for help concerning the rottenness I was seeing in me. I sought for forgiveness from the Lord Jesus Himself, for pitching myself against Him. A few days later, while I was doing my morning walk, it suddenly struck me that, that experience was actually me reaching the point of the fullness of iniquity, the point of the fullness of duality, the place of separation, the place of the mark for the prize in which I had to make a choice. The realization of that really blessed my heart, and also got me thinking about what parameters God will use to judge this world, and especially His called out ones.
Mind you, I am not saying I have already attained singularity or the end of my faith, nor am I saying I have conquered duality. What I am saying is that, God, by mercy, brought me to the place of seeing the two sides of my duality and thus I have gained wisdom on how to give strength to the mystery of godliness in me and take strength away from the mystery of iniquity. For a thing stops being a mystery once it is known and understood, and that’s why its important to get to this point in our walk of faith when both sides of this duality can be seen and understood for what they are, even as one waits patiently for the coming of the Lord who will do the final separation, and singularity with God will then be attained. I want to also believe that this place was also the place the Lord Jesus got to in the garden of Gethsemane when He said ” not MY WILL (self-will: iniquity) be done, but YOUR WILL (Godliness) be done. This He did even though He had not sin. It really blessed my heart to get to this point in my walk of faith, knowing what God was doing within me.
So dear reader, if you find yourself in this place of duality where I got to, and where I believe every Overcomer must get to, do not freak out. But understand what God is doing in you and allow humility, thanksgiving to rise from you unto the Lord who provided such blessing in you. For I know the feeling of this stage is horrible, but the blessing is rich in God. The Apostle Paul wrote about the despair he felt when he got to this point and the hope found in knowing it’s the working of God within:
15 For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. 16 If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. 17 But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. 18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. 19 For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. 20 Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. 21 I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. 22 For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. 24 O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25 I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin. Rom 7: 15-25
THE DEMISE OF INIQUITY (The Day of the Lord)
The end of the mystery of iniquity that has plagued the world from the fall is near. It is that which scripture calls the Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord, either a literal day or a season in time, is the Day in which God will come both with mercy and wrath to manifest His glory in the Overcomers (vessels of mercy) and His wrath on the sons of perdition (vessels of wrath) bodily on this planet earth. It is the Day in which man will carry the full glory and bodily essence of God in the new glorified bodies, just as Christ did when He rose from the dead. This is the first resurrection. It is the post-crucifixion life of Christ in a man. It will happen to every man who just like Christ were faithful to carry their cross up the hill of death, got nailed on it, died and buried in the womb of death, and then by the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, will also be raised in the body of immortality. This is the first resurrection that the institution church has been deceived to be rapture. The concept of rapture is nothing but an escapist mentality that undermines the workings of the suffering of the cross in a man. Do not be deceived, whatsoever a man sows in his flesh, same shall he reap in death. Personally for me, this hope of the Day of the Lord is what keeps me going even when I face despise from men, when everything in me wants to turn back to the country of futility from where Christ took me from. It is what I wake up with in the morning and what I go to bed with at night, for by the grace of God, the reality of this hope is non-contestable in me. And it is my hope that all who have been called out by God to walk this path will do so with rejoicing, knowing that He that called us is faithful to bring all things to pass in time.
Thus the demise of iniquity and the oneness with God that comes with it is the hope and the rejoicing of every Overcomer, for God is able to do this according to the workings in which Christ is able even to subdue all things unto Himself. But do not be deceived, no man who has not been faithful to the little things of Christ (pre-crucifixion pattern of the life of Christ of submission to the will of God) will be blessed with this much (The post-crucifixion immortal body of Christ) in the raising of the army of the Lord.
The Army of the Lord
This glorious army of the Lord are those called, chosen and who have been faithful in the least (The pattern of the pre-crucifixion Jesus being the least in the Kingdom, but has through death now become the greatest in His Kingdom). And God by divine providence of grace and mercy will grant them the first resurrection from the dead, when Christ shall come to end duality in them. And by them, the others in the earth who didn’t attain to the first resurrection of the death will now receive the resurrection of the dead, but through fire of the lake, which is not meant to destroy God’s creation in a sense, but to destroy iniquity in man and by that refine men unto eternal purity. This is the fire of the second death that purifies rather than destroys. For in this is fulfilled the words of the Lord “For every one will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt.” Mark 9:49 NKJV
So to you Overcomers I say this, do not be carried away by the things showing up in your flesh, both within and without. Rejoice in hope, for God is doing a good work in you even as we come closer to the Day of the Lord in which we will walk on the earth in the fullness and majesty of God, restoring and restituting all things back to Himself.
God be with you and also bless you.