THE THIRD DAY – The Horses are Coming
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 2 Corinthians 4:7-10
Come, and let us return to the Lord; For He has torn, but He will heal us;
He has stricken, but He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us;
On the third day He will raise us up, That we may live in His sight. Hosea 6:1-2
*All scriptures are from the NKJV unless otherwise stated.
The third day reality is not some fanciful Christian talk, but a spiritual reality whose manifestation was slated by God the Father to happen in our time.
The days of revival and “spiritual awakening” as they have been defined over time, and as they relate to a sudden spiritual surge that gets people thinking about God again after a long season of spiritual sleep, are over. We are not in such seasons of the second day. Time and season have been given strength to express the last of the spiritual dispensations, which is the third day of Christ and the seventh day of God the Father. The Lord Jesus, according to scripture, was made to sit at the right hand of God the Father until His enemies are made His footstool and until the last enemy, which is death and him, – the devil – who has the power over death, are destroyed. For both shall be destroyed by fire, without mercy, at the coming of the King and His army of manifesting sons. This is the mystery of godliness tied to the dispensation of the third day in which God will literally dwell and manifest bodily in man even as man dwells in His sight and in oneness with Him. This is such a day that we have come into and nothing of darkness will stop this movement of the Spirit in this day of the manifestation of the sons of God.
Trust in the Blood of the Lamb
Obviously, we are in critical times and seasons in which the entire horde of darkness will be removed from the second heaven and be cast down into the earth among men. (See Revelation 12). Things won’t be the way they have always been on the earth, for God is determined to allow flesh and ungodliness to rise to their fullness, having “taken away” His Spirit that has restrained all this while, and then cause a destruction of the systems of this world in ways never seen before. For the casting down of the Dragon (Satan, the Devil, the old Serpent) and his army of demons into the earth is directly tied to the third day of the manifestation of the sons of God, whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life. But because God the Father is amazing in wisdom and perfect in understanding, He had before time prepared a way out for His own in these last days, even while their spirits had already been caught up to the throne of God. Meaning they are both in the heavens and on earth at the same time. I am not talking of that lie the institutional church called rapture, but a way of salvation only found in the entering behind the veil by the broken body of Christ found in the faithful commitment to His word which commands each one to pick up their crosses and follow Him. The only way out of what is coming shortly on the earth is death on the cross. Nothing else. However, the death on the cross of self sacrifice is tied to three things which John the Beloved Apostle was shown by the Lord Jesus:
…And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. (Rev 12:11)
It is clear that trouble like has never been on the earth before and which will never again be, is coming very soon and the one sure way that God has made for His people is to trust in the blood of the Lamb that was slain. This is the first tool and weapon of overcoming the evil one in the coming days. For the blood of Christ, which is our life, speaks better things than the blood of mortal Abel. The life of a being is in the blood and the blood of Christ is His Spirit, and if we are called to be one with Him in Spirit, then that means each one according to the workings of the majesty of God the Father, will carry in their veins the undying and incorruptible blood of the Lord Jesus and by this, death and the evil one are overcome. So trust in the blood of Jesus, for the coming days are evil.
Review your word of testimony
Our word of testimony is that word of life given to each man which comes with a mandate or a unique purpose in God which each one is mandated to carry out for God on the earth and which pleases God. In other words, your word of testimony is that word spoken over you or given to you by God the Father, to fulfill His purpose in your generation on earth. This is the word that you must go back and review to see if you are still within the mandate that birthed you. The testing of the Lord Jesus in the wilderness by the devil was completely overrun by the word of testimony in His heart and the proclamation of such word of testimony. These are not the days in which one will rely on the word given to someone else, for when no one is around, you must be able to depend on God the Father and that word of testimony which He gave you to overcome the evil one. Nations of the earth may live in denial of God and His words; the church may believe a lie about escaping the evil days through rapture; governments of nations may think they will have control of the days to come; but right in the faces of all men, God will overturn this entire world system and rip it apart for the establishment of the kingdom of His Son. Period. So dear overcoming son of God, review your word of testimony and seek the heart of the Father for where you may have missed anything.
They loved not their lives to the death (Be nailed to your cross)
When the Lord Jesus said “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me,” He meant what He was saying about taking up the cross and following Him. The question however is this, where does the cross lead you? It simply leads a man to the same place it led Jesus, Golgotha the hill of death. The trials and temptations we face in our flesh for the sake of Christ are our daily cross of death and how we respond to those trials and temptations is how we overcome daily. It is not rocket science and neither does God take for granted those pains we go through for the sake of the kingdom. Truth be told and from personal experience, it easier to ask to be taken down from that cross when the nail pierces deeply into the flesh and when the spear draws blood and water from the side what (things and people) we hold dearly to heart. But the quest is never to quit but to hold onto those words of promise which say ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you … even till the end of the age.’ The days ahead have been, in a sense, given to the enemy of mankind, the devil, and he will use that authority to the fullest till he will be taken down and the kingdom and dominion given to the saints of God. (See Daniel 7:18-22, Revelation 13:7). Nothing else is required of a man in this age than to love God with everything. Nothing!
One Army
And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. (Revelation 19:8 and 14)
Horses have different meanings and symbolisms for different people and for different cultures. Biblically speaking, horses often talk about war, royalty, strength, etc but the one interpretation that is most important for us right now is that the horse means the movement of Spirit. Horses are carriers of the word of truth of God for a particular purpose of God on earth. They symbolize the movement of the Spirit of God on earth. The writings of the prophet Zechariah in Zechariah 1 and 6, speak of the horses as carriers of messengers who go forth from the face of God to carry out divine mandates on the earth. I personally think that the King coming riding on a horse and His army riding on horses with Him points to a culmination of spiritual movements in one. It’s a picture of the coming together of all things spoken in various dispensations of Spirit on earth, even as it paves the way for the establishment of the kingdom of Christ on earth. Meaning that the coming of this army will fulfill all mysteries remaining in God.
In a little while from now, the army of the Lord, which comprises both the saints or sons of God still alive here on earth and the saints of old who have gone to be with the Lord, will appear on the earth. The combination of these two realities of the sons of God will make up the army of the Lord which the prophet Joel also spoke of in Joel chapter 2. It is an army of One, One purpose, One God, One Lord, One direction, One victory and One Kingdom of our Lord Jesus. Nothing will stand in the face of this army of the Lord, for the Lord Himself leads them to victory. By this army shall the devil, his demons, false prophet, anti-Christ and Babylon – the system of this world – be totally destroyed. It is a great privilege to be counted to be part of this army of the Lord and it is for this privilege that each one is nailed to the cross of their surrender to God and His purpose. It is for this army and the victory that follows that you are targeted by the enemy of the Kingdom of Christ. And it is for this army you have been prepared in the closet of your painful walk of faith with God. And it is for this army that you are reading this now. For even though we are hard pressed on every side right now in our flesh, the last call to march with the army will be heard and the purpose of God for the earth will be accomplished.
You will overcome
For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 1 John 5:4
Simply because you are born of the Spirit of God and nurtured by the blood of the Lamb, you will overcome everything contrary to the word spoken of you by God the Father. For by faith we know that all things seen and unseen were created by God and nothing will by any means stop you if you hold on to that word of testimony which was given to you of God.
The time is now
“I was watching; and the same horn was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them, until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom.” Daniel 7:21-22.
Dear overcoming sons of God, called of God the Father unto an eternal inheritance with Christ, do not let go of your faith and your hope in Him who called you for glory and virtue even as you face the various trials in your flesh. For faithful is He that promised and He will fulfill His thoughts of good towards you.
God bless you.
Beautiful bro, thx so much for sharing your talent gifted to you by our Heavenly Father.
Will be passing and sharing with others.
I am most grateful for His mercies. Thank you for sharing in our walk of faith. God bless you.