THE PATHWAY OF LOVE – The Only Way Forward
And yet I show you a more excellent way. 1Corinthians 12:31b
And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13
*Unless otherwise indicated, scriptures are taken from the NKJV
“In the coming days of the tribulation, the only thing that men will recognize is Love.” These words came to me a few days ago and I believe it (love) is the only thing that will show men who God really is. And the vessel for this love is you. Yes, you reading this article. But the question is this; do you know yourself as the vessel of love? Are you among those who believe in an escapist rapture, trying to avoid the days where the only thing that will matter is love for God and for people? And are you ready for your love to be tested by the fires of tribulation? Think about it. Your genuine answers will help you determine if you are ready or not.
No other path but this
I remember a vision I was shown a few years back. I believe I have shared it somewhere before, but let me share it again. In that vision, I was standing on a small rock in a place that looked like a wilderness or so, waiting for someone. Then from the distance I could see a horse coming towards me. The rider got to me, unrolled a scroll and showed me what was written in it. I saw these words “The Lamb of God shall be revealed in the lamp of God.” Then he turned to the back of the scroll and I saw “The End.” Back then, I believed the vision was speaking of the season we are entering, in which the sons of God will be empowered by the power of the Lord to manifest Him on the earth prior to the end. But sincerely I had not thought about how that would happen, until the very moment I was given the inspiration to write this article. In fact, this article came because of the revelation of how the Lamb of God will be revealed in the lamp of God. As we already know, Jesus is both the Lamb of God who takes ways the sin of the whole world and also the Lamp of God who gives us light as the word of God. But I think in regards to the pathway of love, we – the sons of God – are the lamps of God set on lampstands and upon whom the Lamb of God, who is Jesus must be manifested. That makes sense now. But how will this be? By Love…simple! The love of the Father for the world was fully expressed in the Lord Jesus and now the Love of Jesus must be expressed to the world through us. For the Lord Himself said, as My Father sent Me, so I am sending you.
The world is coming to the place of critical decisions about the future, a future which is so unclear to them, but which should be clear to us because we know all things through the Spirit which works by love.
No other choice but yes to Love
The Apostle Paul alluded to walking with God just for the sake of gifts of the Spirit as a state of being a child. He wasn’t ashamed to say “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” He was clear in his mind that though it is ok to seek the gifts of the Spirit, but without the real seeking, which is Love, he was nothing but a child. And to give strength to this, he also said “Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.” That which is perfect and which shall not be known in part but in full is Love.
The selfie generation
God clearly saw ahead of time when He gave the Apostle Paul the inspiration to write about this end time generation and how perilous it will be for those living in this age. He boldly declared that men shall be lovers of themselves, doing things that are evil before God and a pain to humanity. So it’s no longer strange to see people do things that are completely inhuman, while joyfully taking photos (selfies) doing it. In its most basic form, we cannot deny that some of the wicked acts perpetrated against others, or some of the weird immoral acts of people were captured in some videos or photos just for the fun of it and shared on the internet for all to see. In this regard, no thanks to phones and the internet.
It is a terrible self-loving generation we are in and men are simply loving themselves to destruction. But out of this same generation, God is calling out His people to come out from among them and be separate. They are few and are called those who do not love their lives to the death. For to love in this end time age we are in will take a lot of fearlessness and boldness, with no care for self-preservation. So practically, it is a generation of two realities; those who love this world and the delicacies of Babylon the harlot and those whose love has been poured out on the Son of God. They have become God’s allies in rescuing those who God will have them rescue. Some of them will be killed in doing this holy act of love to humanity, but those deaths will only confirm that no greater love can anyone have than a man should give his life for his friends. Their willingness to be killed for loving God and the humanity He chooses for them to love becomes their pass to reign with Christ in the millennial reign coming on the earth. (See Revelation 20:4) So for those who are so excited about the talk of reigning with Christ on the earth as kings and priests, the physical chopping off of heads is also included in the criteria for attaining this level. For clearly, it is not for everyone, even among those who are saved in Christ.
This reality of love that will be activated in this last hour of this age cannot just come to pass by the wishful thinking of man’s mind nor can it just be emotional feelings for others. We have seen what that level of love has done on the earth and it’s not very cool. So I believe that the outpouring of the power of the age to come that Paul spoke of is the pouring out of God’s power of love. When God baptizes or pours His liquid love on or in a man, such a heart will become the Father’s heart and also an ark of refuge for others from the storms coming on the earth. The things Jesus did on earth culminated in love poured out on the cross of His obedience to God. And because we have the mandate to do greater works, these last days will be about love poured out in greater measure. No greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends. Greater works cannot be possible outside of greater love. And since this is also the age of the valley of decision, all who will be on earth at this very time will be faced with making up their minds about their eternal destinies, even as they come face to face with the reality of the end time tribulation that has been spoken of for thousands of years. Deciding to love God and love the humanity He loves will certainly carry its price but it comes with unimaginable corresponding reward. Also, note this, what we become in our life’s journey on earth will be who we are forever, but without the carnality. Meaning that if everyone on earth realized how much their life on earth impacted their eternity they would be in pursuit of the fruit of the Spirit or the fruit of love more than any earthly treasure or accomplishment. Why? The fruit of the Spirit that is the fruit of love is not a gift; it is the outcome or the result of loving God and loving men. It is like a rub-off or fragrance of God on a man that separates him from other men. And you know what? I sense deep in my spirit that we are leaving the era in which healing and miracles are done through gifts of the Spirit. And like Paul said concerning a more excellent way, which is love, we are entering the era in which only love and the fruit of love will create healing and miracles in men. Sincerely speaking, a strong knowing came to my heart a few days ago. It came as a question saying “what if God is also using this corona virus shutdown to fold up healing and miracles through the gifts of the Spirit by introducing the era of the healing of the nations by the fruits of love.” For I wonder strongly in my heart why is it that despite so many pastors, healing and miracle ministers and prophets all over the world, none seems to have healed any victim of corona virus. I just may be wrong concerning this, so check with God.
Will you learn to love?
I read a story quite a while ago about the late prophet Bob Jones who went to be with the Lord on February 14th 2014. He was an American Prophet and was referred to among his prophetic peers as the Best Friend of God because of his deep relationship with God. I guess that was what actually drew my attention to him. I admired him deeply from afar and had wished to meet him before he passed. Anyway, the story had it that many years ago when he was younger in the ministry, the devil killed him for the sin of homosexuality. In his own narration, he said when he got to heaven, he was surprised that the issue of homosexuality for which he was killed was not even the issue that was raised, but that God simply asked him this question “Did you learn to love?” He went ahead to narrate that God gave him a set of new assignments concerning the end time and then sent him back to the earth.
My mind was blasted reading his story, but it got me thinking about what we as Christians on earth sometimes call walking with God or the life of godliness. It appears, somehow, we have made it a banner of some kind of pride and arrogance, seeking to put others that don’t fit into our little boxes of truth or salvation under our feet. How pissed God must be at many of us. This also reminds me of the parable of Christ “ Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ This tells me that God’s judgment may not go the way we have thought it will.
In conclusion, my wife asked me a question about what I think we should be doing for the next decade as we prepare for the last phase on earth. I told her it’s simple, start to learn how to love God and the humanity He loves. Create whatever platforms God will allow to reach out to the world with the love of God.
God is deeper and richer in dimensions than we know and even believe. But the most basic attribute of Himself He has given us is found in the simplicity of “love God and love your neighbor as yourself.” And to add to this, our acts of love for God and humanity as required of us from God will be different and will mean different things to each of us. But I think the destination is however the same, that is, to be found in Him as His image without stain or wrinkle at His coming. So the question is this, will you learn to love?
Blessings always. From your brother.
Also that God’s very nature is that He is love. It is not what He does but who He is……..”And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
I John 4:16 NKJV”
I bless God for this revelation and I pray that He continues to reveal Himself to you and us who will seek Him earnestly.
Yes God is absolute Love and His love will be fully manifested in us. Amen to your prayers. God bless you richly.
Amen! God bless you bro.