Light For A Blind World
The world is in a very dark space right now, especially with the issue of the pandemic and the many other global frustrations going on. But the truth is that, the supposed darkness is just an indication that those who are carriers of light have not been diligent with their lampstands, for darkness cannot really comprehend light.
Light For a Blind World was written to remind the people of the world that the world is only dark because we are not letting our lights shine. It’s a call for all men to let their lights shine in a dark world.
Listen to the audio in the player above or listen on Spotify or on Soundcloud with the links below:
Light For A Blind World on Spotify
I love it!! This song is truly inspired by God. Its a classic!
All blessings to God. Thanks a lot my brother. God bless.
Hallelujah! God bless you Phillip and God bless the Champions of God!