The Rise of The Stars of God (The Cloud has Moved)
Revelation 3:14-22
The Lukewarm Church
“And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God:
“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.
So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.
Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked—
I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”
(*bold emphasis, mine.)
All scriptures are taken from the NKJV, unless otherwise indicated.
This age is slowly creeping towards its tipping point and the tipping point will end this world system and rulership of darkness. But even as we approach that tipping point, we must not be ignorant of the in-betweens that must happen before we fully enter that season. And one of the major events that will occur will be the battle between the man of sin who is the Anti-Christ and the church as we know it. I used the phrase “as we know it” because in the overall plan of the Father, what we call church right now is a form of idol. We can see how much this idolatry has created a system that has embraced the spirit of Babylon while the owners are calling it Christian progressiveness. God the Father is not confused about His plan for a remnant that will emerge out of the battle that has begun already.
To some Christians, the Christian journey on earth is towards what they call rapture or going to heaven through the act of being “snatched away”. But this is falsehood. What is true, however, of the Christian journey is the change from mortality to immortality as spoken of by the Apostle Paul. He said “Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” 1Coritnhians 15:51-54 (Bold emphasis mine).
But before this change comes, there is the need for the final test for everyone alive on the earth, to know where their hearts lie. And this was spoken of by the Lord Himself. He said, “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” Revelation 3:10. So, if you ask me, we are in exciting days on earth and God is moving His people into new covenants and realms of existence in preparation for the days ahead.
The Manifestation of the Bull
A couple of years ago, I was shown something in a dream. I will share the part of the dream that is relevant to this article and leave out the other parts.
In this dream, I was following a man of God I knew very well. I was not necessarily walking with him, but I was a short distance behind him. He was walking along and talking with someone else whom I also knew in real life. In the dream, I did not want to interfere in whatever discussion they were having, so I walked a short distance from both of them but kept my eyes on them. As we walked, from the corner of my left eye I could see a very fat cow standing before this huge and muscular bull. They just stood looking at each other intensely as we passed. I looked back on the walk but this time, the person the man of God was walking with had disappeared and the man of God was now walking alone. I continued following without going to join him. I wasn’t invited to join him, so I just followed behind. Suddenly he stopped and turned towards me, he placed the things he had been holding in his hands on the ground before my feet, said something about going to put a crusade banner somewhere ahead, and then walked away. I noticed the expression on his face was that of pain, sadness and maybe regret. The things he left on the ground appear to be a phone and I think a bunch of keys. I cannot tell exactly.
I stood right where he left these items watching over the items. In my mind, in the dream, I told myself I was going to stand watch over the items that he left until the person who they were meant for came for them. From nowhere, some noisy children playing around me ran towards the items and tried to take them, but I prevented them from doing so.
Now, as I stood there watching, from the corner of my left eye, I saw the bull in rage ram its huge horns into the fat cow and the fat cow collapsed instantly on the ground. Then I woke up.
For some time, I wondered what it all meant. But somehow I knew the dream was connected to the “Laodicean Church” of Revelation 3 and how that church is symbolic of this modern-day lukewarm church that has become fat with worldly goods.
Like the Laodicean Church, I do not think there is any other time in history when the church has been so rich in worldly goods to the point where success in ministry is now measured by how many church branches one has, how many private jets one flies with and how many fancy clothes men wear and how much food men eat. As Jesus puts it “Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and need nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked— “, the present-day church has become fat with the meat and wine of Babylon and she does not know that a bull is about to ram into her.
But what exactly is this bull? The bull is the system of Babylon ruled by the Vatican and the global elites who are bent on creating a new world order of unrighteousness that will fight against the church system to destroy it, while itself is to be destroyed by the workings of God. But there is the working of the spirit to save a remnant who will be made to look up and see the door in heaven which leads to the kingdom age and for which the rulership of the sons of God will be given on the earth. The present-day church, like the cow, has fed itself fat with the goods of this world and must be destroyed. She shall not escape the bull. Remember, I did not say God’s people will be destroyed, I said the church system that has been taken over by the spirit of Babylon, will be.
Talking about the system of the bull, did you pay attention to the opening ceremonies of the Birmingham Commonwealth Games of 2022 and the Paris Olympics of 2024 showcasing the bull? What did you see? Just stunts and entertainers doing their thing or the introduction to and the worship of the bull?
The dream of the moving cloud
A few days ago, before writing this article, I was in a dream. In this dream, I was standing on a hill or mountain watching the huge wilderness valley below. Then someone whom I did not see said to me. He says “You have generated 86 percent of the power needed for the cloud to move”. As he said so, a huge cloud in the sky started to move and then I saw this huge crowd of people moving and following the cloud. I stood there watching what was happening.
I woke up from that dream and went into the sitting room to think about what I had been shown. After a while, I went back to sleep. As I shut my eyes to sleep, a voice said right into my ears “The cloud has started moving”.
What came to mind at that moment as I started to fall asleep were the experiences that the children of Israel had in the wilderness with the Lord. Whenever the cloud moved, then it was time for the children to move. But what the number 86 means, I do not know. For it was specific and must mean something specific.
When I woke up from sleep later that same morning, I was asking the question, “What exactly is this movement about? Even though a thought came to mind about whether it’s time for my family and I to move from our current place to a new place, (we move quite often using similar instructions to move) at the same time, I didn’t get the impression that the instruction was about us moving house. By the way, we had only stayed in the new place for just a month at the time I was given the dream. So moving again so soon didn’t match.
When the cloud moves, then it’s time to move
Even though I cannot categorically give any word about what this movement means to anyone reading this, it is important to take it seriously and seek the face of the Father for what it means for each one. Certainly, a movement is required right now that will position God’s people in their places of manifestation. It could mean a physical movement for some or a spiritual one, but whatever the Lord will reveal to you, you do that one. One thing, however, is clear, whenever God initiates a movement, it means there is a new dimension of Himself that He wants to reveal on the earth. It’s our responsibility to find out what the movement is all about and then align with it. The season of the raging Bull is here but so are the days of the Stars of God.
The days of the Stars of God
There are those who the Father has graciously shown His mercy and who have been called to sit at his right hand and positioned as stars of the heavens before Him. They were not chosen because of what they did or did not do. They were chosen because the counsel of the Father’s will made it so. They are those referred to as the Lord’s jewels in Malachi 3:17 who feared the Lord, spoke to one another to meditate on the name of the Lord, and are also referred to as stars that shine forever in Daniel 12:3 because they turn many to righteousness. So, to you Stars of God, this is your day to rise and sit at the Father’s right hand, and from there, you will dictate the events that will happen on the earth.
The system of Babylon must be destroyed
For some reason, this part of the article seems to be the hardest to write about but what must be said must be said.
America will go through a time of great humiliation and destruction to purge her of her wine of fornication, her pride, and the drunkenness of the woman who sits upon many waters. For many years, America has been the dominant culture that ruled the world and also led the world into untold spiritual degradation, human violence, and moral rottenness, so much so that she cannot be spared. The prophecy of Revelation 17 and 18 speaks of the harlot who sits upon many waters, which are people, nations, and tongues of the earth, and the destruction of that woman will be manifested in Kamala Harris if she wins the next US election.
If she wins, her reign will open the door for the destruction of America, global commerce, and the dominant culture of consumerism at the hands of the ten kings. (Read Revelation 17 and 18) But who will constitute the ten kings mentioned in Revelation 17? The BRICS nations or other political structures of the world? Please check with the Lord about this. But Russia is Magog, and her ruler Gog (the king of the North) will fulfil the prophecy to attack Israel to destroy her. This is mentioned in Ezekiel 38, 39, and in Revelation 20. So, is BRICS the coming together of the armies of the ten kings, led by Gog of Magog, and is China the super-power nation with the ability to gather an army of 200 million soldiers like Revelation 9:16 speaks of? If you look at it carefully, who are the faces of BRICS? Russia, China, India and South Africa. In the war going on between Israel and Palestine, who are the supporters of Palestine? Russia, China, and South Africa. Remember South Africa recently took Israel to the ICC while Israel is fully supported by the USA. The formation is getting stronger as more nations join BRICS. And the prophecy of Revelation 17 and 18 will happen in the most unthinkable ways.
However, if Trump wins, then there is a bit of grace for America and the world. The two attempts at Trump’s life should tell you how serious these things are in the overall effort to enthrone the woman who will open the doors for the coming of the reign of the Beast.
A quick step back
In 2012, the Lord moved the Ecclesia from the Apostolic age into the Kingdom age even though most Christians were not aware of the move. In 2017, the sign of the Revelation 12 Woman who was clothed in the Sun and with the Moon under her feet, was shown in the star constellations and the days of Her Remnant started from that point. But the church also missed the timing of that event because the signs were revealed in the constellations which they call astrology and sorcery. However, according to Genesis 1:4, the original purpose of stars was for signs and seasons on earth and not sorcery or astrology. As Revelation 12:1 puts it, it says “Now a great sign appeared in heaven:” …. Meaning that much of the signs of the things that God wants to do on earth will be revealed in the star constellations but those who call themselves Christians are so obsessed with the falsehood called “Rapture” or the wrong interpretation of what they do not understand that they can’t see anything else that God is doing on the earth.
And what this tells me is this, when the words of Jesus will be fulfilled about the signs in the heavens which will precede His coming, many Christians will also not be aware. Why? They will call it sorcery or astrology. But His words are clear, He said: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” Mathew 24:29-30. (Bold emphasis, mine). There is a “SIGN” first before the coming. But what will this sign be? I don’t know, but you will find it in the stars which were created for signs and seasons.
The Remnant of God
Let me say this, if you are a chosen Remnant of God who He has called out unto Himself, and you have taken a position to do what you are told, you will be made to understand the plans of the Father outside of the popular rhetoric that most Christians delude themselves with. So do not freak out when you are shown things that are not written in the Bible but which are revealed to you by the Spirit. Do not waste your time arguing with anyone about what you are being shown. As long as it is by the Spirit of the Living God, God will glorify Himself in you because of what He has shown you. It beats me when anyone says God cannot tell a man what is not written in the Bible. (I speak to wise people.)
In conclusion, for those who believe that rapture is coming to take them before the days of evil are unleashed on earth, please do what you must do to prepare for it as you are led. But for those who have understood what the plan is and who have come to know that the Father’s plan is a change from mortality into immortality and not a “snatching away” by rapture, and who have also come to understand that the believer’s rulership mandate is for the earth and not heaven, do all you must to sit at the right hand of the Father until your enemy is made your footstool. For immortality is the change that happens when we come face to face with the face of the Father and the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death and not the devil. Embrace your death (dying to self), for out of it must come the life of the Father.
The cloud has started moving, so must you too.
Shalom. From your brother.
Note: You can now purchase my book: Like the Days of Noah and Lot (eBook) via the link below:

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God bless you brother . God truly bless you.
Amen and amen. God bless you too.