Child of The King

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A lot of times we go through stuff that makes us doubt our heritage in God. The devil is especially good at throwing things at us that make us forget who we are and what purpose we have in God and most times we walk around carrying those things that are not truly our definitions, constantly making us walk away from our true identity. Child of the King is a beautiful and timely reminder from God about WHO we are. Our identity and heritage is set in the identity of our Father in Heaven. So, no matter what the devil is throwing at us to try to make us forget who we are and where we come from, we have this reassurance from God Himself, that we are HIS. This gives us the strength to endure and to Overcome the hurdles we face, as we keep our eyes fixed on the King of kings, our Father indeed. This song is part of a release called The Intersection, the place where God meets man, to settle in him, once and for all who he is and what his purpose on earth is. For many people, life has been spent going in cycles searching for meaning and hope in this dying world that is sadly bereft of either of those things. For too many of us, the disconnection from our loving Father has left us with a hole too deep for the world or the things in the world to fill. This emptiness can only be filled by the Living God and He is earnestly seeking out His children to come back home to Him. Song for the Prodigals is also part of The Intersection, and is expressing a deep cry from the heart of one who is looking for hope and finally finding true meaning in a connection or re-connection with God. Thus The Intersection point speaks of that place in time when the Holy Spirit suddenly breaks into our cycle and reminds us of who we really are as children of the King. The break in our cycle often leave us with the exclamation of Oh! i am actually the child of the King, which is a quick reminder of our place in and with God. Please download and share as led. We pray that you will be blessed, revived and encouraged as you listen to what is in the heart of the King for you. Always remember; you’re a Child of the King!